Message from Harry

Message from Harry

Who can understand the mystery of why some kids are challenged with a special need? Some are not able to walk or talk. Imagine giving these children an opportunity to ride a horse, to have the attention of so many volunteers who shower them with love, all while...
Volunteer Highlight – Kristin A.

Volunteer Highlight – Kristin A.

If you visit the Mitey Riders program at Misty Meadows during lessons on Thursday afternoons, you will find one of our former riders, Kristen Aldridge, now working as a volunteer. For the last seven years, she has been one of our most dedicated volunteers! Kristen...


Next time you shop, be sure to take advantage of Amazon Smile! Through the Amazon Smile Foundation, each time you shop at and select Misty Meadows Mitey Riders as your charity, a small portion your total purchase amount is donated back to us! We hope...
2019 Safety Training!

2019 Safety Training!

Calling All New & Returning Volunteers!!!????Our 2019 Safety Training Dates are: Wednesday, August 14 at 7:00 pm (Geared towards Returning Volunteers)Saturday, August 17 at 10:00 am (Geared towards New Volunteers)Wednesday, August 21 at 7:00 pm (Geared towards...
Rider Highlight – Brittney C.

Rider Highlight – Brittney C.

Brittney has been a Mitey Rider since 2014 and during that time she has developed a close connection to her favorite mount, Leo. Since the start, Brittney has had a “take charge attitude” and manages her volunteer team and horse brilliantly. Brittney confidently...